
There are several ways one can define a Vorticist. The first, most obvious way would be to consult the series of signatures below the Vorticist Manifesto in BLAST. Another way would be to list those exhibiting at the 1917 exhibition. Another way would be to only list those who were happy to have the label applied to them. But this would be to leave out some important personages in the history of Vorticism, and so all will be listed here, and I will state what their status was as an 'official' Vorticist.Blast 1 carried a list of signatures at the end of the main manifesto. So we can be sure that the following artists were happy to be considered Vorticists in May 1914. The list below is exactly how the names of the signatories appear (and in the same order):

Although he didn’t sign the manifesto, David Bomberg is sometimes considered a Vorticist. He exhibited at the 1915 Vorticist Exhibition as an invited guest.

*Lewis, Etchells, Hamilton and Wadsworth had been co-signatories to the 'Round Robin' letter to Fry in September 1913.

Sources: Meyers for the Round Robin signatories; Blast for the Vorticist manifesto signatories. Vorticism and its Allies by Richard Cork

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